Art Gallery

$2500.00 Beneath the light of the silvery moon, One difficult step after another, Overcoming the hurdles along the way, only to come against a cluster that is just too much. Life is unraveling.

$2500.00 On May 28th,2021 the first unmarked graves of children of Indian Residential Schools were discovered in Kamloops, BC, and the truth came to light. The claims of Canadian Indigenous Peoples were not just made-up stories. The voices of those buried children have cried out for all the world to hear. We can never make this right. But we can acknowledge this happened. We can promise to do better in the future. We can support and encourage the reclamation of their languages and cultures.

$1520.00 As the sun rises above the horizon, shafts of light and colour burst forth, crisscrossing the landscape, causing the early morning riser to marvel at the day ahead.

As the sockeye salmon come to the end of their lives they leave their life in the ocean. Their colour changes from green to a brilliant red and they become very competitive, fighting their way up stream in the rivers they face all kinds of obstacles and hazards, to reach their spawning pools. They set on this journey with hope to be able to reach their place of birth and perpetuate the next generation. $1600.00

My uncle, Peter Francis Pinder, age 22, was a pilot in WW2 who never returned from one of his missions in 1943. My grandmother never got over that loss. Yet without those brave young men we would not enjoy the freedom that we have today. So, I honour him and all the other’s who gave their lives for us. I remember… and am truly thankful for the sacrifice they made. There is hope for the future. $1600.00

The view from my back yard is stunning all year, but especially in the fall. Not for sale - private collection

SOLD Private Collection In August of 2015 the area that we live in had a devastating forest fire.. Many homes were lost. The following spring people started to rebuild and the Lupins were magnificent.

SOLD Private Collection This piece of the old railway bridge over the Kettle River is the centrepiece of a tryptic. The bridge is located at the Kettle River Campground and many people have happily plunged into the Kettle River from it to cool down in our hot summers.

32"X 28" 1800.00 In 2015 our area experienced a devastating fire. In the summer of 2017 an abundance of St. Johns Wort grew almost outshining the fireweed.

18" X 53" $1000.00 As the seasons change, so does the level of water in our river. It goes from overflowing its banks to so low you can walk across it. Each year it gets a little lower. It is endangered, and I feel living on the Kettle River’s banks is a privilege.

Returning 26" X 17.5" $600.00 Salmon returning to their place of birth is fascinating. Their battle up the rivers and then with each other, vying for the chance to be the progenitor of their species. Their colours changing vibrantly as their lives reach their pinnacle before they come to an end.

Spawning Pools 32" X 68" SOLD Private Collection Water A pump, a drip, a drop, a well, a pool, A reflection, A river running through, rapids, The ocean, “water, water everywhere, never a drop to drink” Waves to ride, creatures to hide, Ice to water to steam to rain, Crystal clear, white, blue, aqua, green, slime green…, Tears… “caught in a bottle, listed on His scroll”. Ps.56:8

20" X 34" Not for Sale Private Collection The soft hues of the sunset on silk makes the sunflowers playful yet restful at the same time.

20" X 20" $800.00 On Dec. 6, 1989 a young man had been denied admission to the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec, his entry had been late. The women in that school found themselves in the crosshairs of his gun. He took his anger out on the women who had been accepted into that school because he thought they were feminists. He hated feminists and blamed them for ruining his life. He shot and killed 14 women and injured another 10, as well as unintentionally injuring 4 men, then his own.

20" X 20" $800.00 As people pick up guns to express their anger or dissatisfaction, society as we know it is unraveling. Human life does not have the same value that it once had. But often in a violent tirade that takes the lives of many innocent people these shooters find themselves boxed in and end up taking their own lives having found no solution to their own problems.